Architectural duo
It exists from 2003 as a joint work of two architects:

Marija Gardić Lazić, architect
Born in 1977 in Užice, graduated from The Faculty of Architecture, The University of Belgrade in 2003.
Member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers with licenses in design and construction:
300 - responsible designer
400 - responsible contractor
381 - responsible engineer for energy efficiency.
Uroš Lazić, architect
Born in 1977 in Užice, graduated from The Faculty of Architecture, The University of Belgrade in 2003.
Member of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers with licenses in design and construction:
300 - responsible designer
400 - responsible contractor
381 - responsible engineer for energy efficiency.
Aiming for pragmatic and exciting solutions
miu architects is the authors’ team that deals with designs of different scales and scopes, as well as with the research of spatial capabilities. Through the unique and comprehensive approach, always with fresh ideas, we approach every work assignment freely and with strong dedication, arriving to solutions that are both pragmatic and exciting.
Creating living, working, multi-purpose and other spaces
Finding the essence of matter is the central topic in our design philosophy. Through complex methodology and creative research we achieve clear and unique solutions, with a strong concept that is maintained from the beginning to the end, creating living, working, multi-purpose and other spaces.
Awarded team
We have been awarded in architecture competitions, which has been a confirmation to our work, and we would like to single out:
100 hotels throughout Serbia – II prize, 2008. open, anonymous, international, regional competition for preliminary architectural and urban planning design
MFC Cinema Užice – reconstruction and extension of old town cinema – III prize, 2005. open, anonymous, national, competition for preliminary architectural design
From small interventions to urban complexes
Every single work is significant to us because it has extended our limits and has built up our experience. In order to comprehend the variety of works, we present different design typologies, from smaller interventions within the existing structures, through reconstructions and extensions of existing ones, up to the new individual buildings and urban complexes.